Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Repent O'Israel : Hosea 5-9

It is amazing continuing to read through Hosea. What a book for modern times. Not only have we committed adultery through our lives with God (thank you Battle Buddy Craig for that one), but we have a hard time not separating ourselves from our continued paths of destruction.

In this reading, God is speaking to Israel about their blindness to their actions and reveals their hearts position, their idols, their "moon festivals". God is planning a wake up call....

Hosea 5:4 ...."A spirit of prostitution is in their heart; they do not acknowledge the Lord".

I know in my life, I have had times where I was idoling money or fast cars, or focused on bad girls, sex, drinking ,etc....blind to the love of God....not acknowledging him for who he is...OUR MAKER.....

Hosea 5:14 - 15 ...."I will tear them into pieces and go away; I will carry them off, with no one to rescue them"......"Then I will go back to my place until they admit their guilt; And they will seek my face in their misery they will earnestly seek me"


God's grace is everlasting...he promises he will not leave us...he will allow or even craft things in our lives to make us stumble, or "tear us into pieces"....but he will Love us...and Grow us...if we seek his face...and Repent. This is important to note.....

What have you and I repented for lately....do we need to add a bumper sticker to our cars.........


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