Thursday, October 16, 2008

Skirts Pulled Over Our Heads - Ashamed?

Jeremiah 11-13

The prophet Jeremiah was questioning God in not yet taking action against the people of Israel. 

Jer 12:2-3..."You are always on their lips but far from their hearts; Yet you know me O Lord; you see me and test my thoughts about you".  

Do you ever question God regarding our enemies in our lives? I know when I encounter difficult people who put God in the backseat and are sinning flagrantly, using the Lords name daily, but living empty hearts for him...I often ask "Please something!".  Recently, I have wondered...can we declare enemies, as the old testament refers to them?  Or do we need to simply turn the cheek and pray to God that I will get through the situation, etc. Can I ask God to squash my enemies.  It is an interesting topic, however, as of any hardship we cant be certain that enemy wasnt in our life because God planned it to be? is clear that our actions, whether public or hidden behind the seens are ALL SEEN by God, and we cannot run away from that fact.  

Jeremiah 13:26 : "I will pull up your skirts over your face 
that your shame may be seen
Your adulteries and lustful neighings,
your shameless prostitution!........How long will you be unclean?".

Prayer: Lord, please forgive me for some temptations today.  I looked too intently at some girls today at work, and I watched a music video on YouTube that was luring and sexy.  It is not a healthy direction to go in, because I know Satan will try to grow a small seed.  Although this is not as serious as pornography, etc, it can be a start as many men get lured into unhealthy addictions to sexual stuff.  Lord, I also praise you for taking away a thorn of mine in regards to sex with my wife.  I didnt really need sex daily, and nor should I of ever demanded of established frequencies, etc.  With your patience, love, and teachings...I can honestly, publicly say that I do not think of that sexual need was such a burden and I was carrying that around and creating tension in my early days of our marriage.  Thank you.  Amen.


cbaum said...

I still can't get my login to work to actually post stuff, but at least i can comment. Anyway, thanks for being transparent! We'll be praying for your surgery!!

cbaum said...

BB- great seeing you this evening. Praise God that your surgery went well, and that He is speaking to you! Driving to the hospital tonight, traffic was terrible! Then, after we talked it was still jammed. My back hurt. BUT, radio tuned to 91.9...and felt God speaking to me. He gave me a verse: Habakkuk 1:5 "Look at the nations atnd watch-and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told". The pastor was preaching on "waiting on the Lord", and how when we wait we grow more intimate with Him. But, if we DONT wait (i.e. try on our own, etc), then we miss the blessing. Is it possible that this verse was not just for it possible that it is for us? Is it possible that God is doing our lives...that we are a part of...that is so amazing that we wouldn't even believe it if He told us?!?! Wow! Ok, gotta run...hook a brother up with some privs ( when you get out of the hospital, will ya? Maybe I can move out of the minor leagues (comments only) one of these days :) Bro- good to have the fire back...iron sharpens iron. Let's keep fanning the flames!